I Take Myself Seriously

Before we begin our journey, it is necessary to create a statement. If I want to enhance particular aspects of my life or make significant changes, I must first take myself seriously. It comes down to your connection with yourself, which we shall discuss at some point. For the time being, we will simply make a promise to improve ourselves and demonstrate that we are capable of doing so. Write this on a piece of paper and stick it to your wall, or write it in a journal where you can look back and remember yourself. Example below:

As you can see, we begin with a declaration about taking ourselves seriously. We can also change it as you wish. Let us express this sentence:

“I promise myself that I will be gentle and nice in order to achieve my life goals and dreams.“

You can write whatever you wish to achieve.

“I promise myself that I will be gentle and nice in order to achieve peace and change in my life”

Whatever state you want to achieve, change that example:

“I am now entering a state of peacefulness/happyness/clarity in my life and surroundings.”

You may additionally change whichever word best describes the new you. For example:

”I trust the process as I transform into the new, lovely/powerful/magnetic person I was destined to be.”

Now read it loudly to see what magic happens.

Let us know how this exercise made you feel and whether you learnt anything new. Leave a comment below or write to our instagram @thissilentdream

Stay glowing and growing!

Read next: Setting up a new version of me
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